Jan 31, 2009

let's have a cup of coffee a day !

i'm totally addicted to coffee, actually it's all started when i can't stay awake for studying.. i always have a cup of hot cappucino or frappucino
i love the scents an it tastes bitter sweet..i love it so much and even drinks it even though i don't have to stay awake..
some people told me that is a bad habbit
(i dont belive it !), so i'm doing a little research and found some articles that helped me to compare negative and positive sides of coffee..

  • Coffee consumption has been linked to breast size reduction (aargh damn it..)
  • The antioxidants in coffee prevent free radicals from causing cell damage (changing in cell structure could lead to malignancies)

well, in my opinion coffee is good for our health (yay !) but i suggest that you eat properly before you drink it, too keep your acid balances in your gastric, even coffee could help you to reduces risk of cancer ,the best thing is to avoid smoking and alcohol.

have a nice coffee time!!